According to statistics, more than 75% of men over the age of 40-45 suffer from prostate disease. Strong circulation of lymph and blood in the small pelvic vessels often causes organ swelling and congestion. In addition, the prostate is well innervated, so symptoms of the disease in men include severe pain.
What is the prostate gland?
The prostate or prostate gland is a male reproductive organ, part of the reproductive system. It is located in the small pelvis, below the bladder, partially covering the urethra and ejaculatory duct. The prostate consists of two lobes and an isthmus that connects them. In addition, the top, base, anterior, and posterior parts are distinguished in the organ. The shape of the prostate resembles a chestnut, elastic, consisting of glandular and muscle cells. The prostate performs three main functions:
- Motor. The muscle cells of the prostate form a sphincter in the urethra that holds urine.
- Secretary. The gland produces a special secret that provides sperm with mobility, liquefying sperm.
- Barrier. Prevents the spread of infection from the urethra.
Prostate disease in men
Pathology, as a rule, is associated with damage to organs by pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms, congestion or neoplasms (both malignant and benign). >Among prostate diseases are as follows:
- inflammation (prostatitis);
- benign hyperplasia of the gland (adenoma);
- malignant neoplasm (cancer);
- cystic neoplasm;
- prostate abscess.
Many factors that create an environment and favorable conditions for the penetration and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms (fungi, viruses, bacteria) can trigger the beginning of the development of pathology and signs of prostate inflammation in men. In addition, they can cause the development of benign or malignant tumors. Unfavorable factors include:
- Malnutrition;
- hypovitaminosis;
- venereal disease;
- body hypothermia;
- hypodynamia;
- long-term antibiotic treatment;
- blood pooling in the pelvis;
- bad habits;
- endocrine pathology;
- pathology of the reproductive system;
- oncological diseases in history;
- prolonged fatigue.

Symptoms of prostate disease in men
Symptoms of prostate gland disorders depend on the cause of the disease, its localization and the nature of the pathological process. As a rule, patients complain of weakness, decreased performance, general fatigue and irritability. In addition, symptoms of prostatitis and prostate adenoma in men, stones or abscesses can manifest as follows:
- urinary disorders;
- erectile dysfunction;
- infertility;
- pain, burning in the urethra;
- temperature increase;
- shivering;
- painful intercourse;
- lack of ejaculation;
- pain in the perineum with sudden movements;
- offensive discharge from the urethra.
Inflammatory lesions of the prostate gland, prostatitis, is one of the most common diseases in the male genital area. The main cause of pathology is considered to be a violation of blood circulation in the pelvis, which leads to a strong increase in the proportion of the organ and its edema. Symptoms of prostate inflammation depend on the type of disease. There are several types of pathology:
- Acute inflammation. Caused by pathogenic microbes (eg, E. coli or enterobacteria). Acute prostatitis is manifested by severe pain and pain in the urethra, impaired urination: urine is excreted with difficulty, sometimes drop by drop. Some patients report an increase in temperature.
- Chronic bacterial inflammation. As a rule, it is caused by sexual infections (chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, etc. ). Symptoms of chronic inflammation of the prostate may be mild or absent. Among the characteristic signs, sexual dysfunction (erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation), painful urination (especially at night) and discharge of mucus from the urethra are observed.
- Chronic non-bacterial inflammation. This disease develops due to inflammatory processes in other organs (pyelonephritis, cystitis), blood stagnation, heart failure, hypothermia. Such prostatitis often has one symptom - difficulty urinating. Often the result of pathology is a violation of the kidneys, discomfort in the lower back.
Prostate disease characterized by the growth of benign tissue and the formation of nodules that gradually compress the urethra and seminal ducts, bladder. Hyperplasia can cause a violation of the concentration of hormones in the blood. Symptoms of prostate adenoma in men vary depending on the stage of the disease:
- Compensated. As a rule, at this stage, men do not notice certain symptoms. Sometimes there is an increased urge to urinate at night.
- Subcompensation. The main symptom is a feeling of heaviness in the bladder, incomplete emptying. Fluid during urination is difficult to remove, the patient complains of difficulty ejaculating.
- Decompensated. It is characterized by a significant decrease in the volume of bladder muscles and their tone. In addition, adenomas experience chronic fatigue, pain and spasms when trying to urinate. If there is no treatment, tumor growth, the intensity of pain increases significantly, defecation may be disturbed due to rectal compression.
Prostate adenoma is considered a precancerous disease, therefore, when the growth of this tissue is detected, a biopsy is required to detect atypical cells and ultrasound (ultrasound) to study the structure of the organ in detail. Glandular hyperplasia, as a rule, develops slowly, which allows timely diagnosis and treatment.

Pathological cavities with fluid or prostate cysts develop under the influence of the inflammatory process of the gland, in which the organ's excretory channels are squeezed, and the outflow of secretions is disrupted. Pathology can be provoked by constant stress, nervous tension, chronic diseases and tumors of neighboring organs, sclerosis of prostate tissue. Signs of cyst formation are:
- burning in urethra;
- enlargement of the gland in size;
- decreased libido;
- increased body temperature;
- a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder;
- reproductive dysfunction.
The formation of stones in the prostate occurs due to an inactive lifestyle, injuries in the groin area, inflammatory diseases of the organ. Gradually increasing in size, calculi violate the integrity of the ducts of the gland, urine begins to enter the prostate tissue. Stones, as a rule, consist of phosphates, salts of uric acid and oxalate, proteins and ductal epithelium. The main signs of pathology include:
- weak erection;
- pain during urination;
- frequent exacerbation of inflammation;
- pain during ejaculation;
- seal in the gland and pain when it is probed.
Malignant neoplasms that develop from the secretory epithelium of the prostate are called cancer or carcinoma. A prolonged inflammatory process precedes tumor development. The risk group includes men over 40 who abuse alcohol and smoke. Symptoms of oncological damage to the prostate are non-specific and are indicated by a violation of organ function. In the early stages, the disease is usually not obvious. With the development of the tumor, the following symptoms develop:
- hematuria;
- painful urination;
- pain in the lower abdomen;
- leg swelling;
- seat violation;
- erectile dysfunction.
Infectious-inflammatory pathology, which is accompanied by a purulent combination of tissues, is called an abscess. Such a process develops due to the transfer of pathogenic bacteria from the main focus of infection to the prostate gland through the bloodstream. For a long time, an abscess may be asymptomatic. The main signs of the presence of a purulent focus in prostate tissue are: >
- fever and fever;
- pain during sexual intercourse, urination;
- excretion of fetid pus in the urine (when the abscess breaks).
Purulent formation in the prostate is diagnosed with the help of instrumental and laboratory studies. In blood tests, an increase in the number of leukocytes, an increase in the value of the erythrocyte sedimentation rate is noted. In the study of urine, leukocyturia and pathogenic microflora are detected. Palpation examination through the rectum shows the presence of a round formation.

The main method of treatment of the prostate gland
Methods for treating pathology depend on the specific disease, stage of the course and severity. Therapy for prostate disease is selected individually, depending on the age of the patient, the results of laboratory tests, instrumental studies, the presence of concomitant pathology. Familiarize yourself with the basic principles of prostate disease treatment:
disease |
Treatment Methods |
Prostatitis |
Adenoma |
Cyst |
stone |
Cancer |
Abscess |
To prevent the development of prostate disease, you should follow the principles of a healthy lifestyle. Reduce the risk of prostate pathology by following the recommendations:
- Stick to a balanced diet.
- Get regular exercise.
- Take a multivitamin complex, immunomodulatory drugs.
- Refrain from drinking alcohol, smoking tobacco, drugs.
- Avoid hypothermia.
- See your doctor as soon as symptoms appear.